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ULTRA-LOCAL WEATHER DATANetatmo Personal Weather Station measures your own ultra-local climate data. Easily access your own weather measurements on your smartphone, tablet or computer.  UNDERSTAND YOUR  OUTDOOR AND INDOOR CLIMATEGet precise outdoor measurements from you weather station sensors.

Know in real time about your outdoor temperature, humidity and barometric pressure. Check the 7-day weather forecast and outdoor pollution.

Monitor your indoor environment and learn about the temperature, humidity, air quality, sound and CO2 levels in your home.  ANALYSE PAST READINGS, OBSERVE THE PRESENT AND FORECAST THE FUTUREBecome a climate expert by reviewing your data history and understand what happened when you were not watching.Check in the App your real-time data and analyse the graphs to understand weather trends. Download your data from the webapp to further the analysis.BE NOTIFIED WHEN IT MATTERSSet up climate and weather alerts to receive customized notifications when environmental changes occur outside or inside your home.ADAPT YOUR OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES, MONITOR YOUR GARDENChoose the right outfit to practice outdoor sports depending on the local climate.

Watch your ultra-local weather to monitor your garden and set up alerts to make sure you won"t miss any climate variation, such as when the temperature in your garden gets below 5°C/41°F and it is time to protect your plants. COMPLETE YOUR NETATMO PERSONAL WEATHER STATIONMonitor your home even more precisely by adding up to 3 Additional Indoor Modules to know about temperature, humidity and CO2 level measurements in specific rooms. Add a Rain Gauge to get real-time and accumulated precipitation data and a Wind Gauge to have wind speed and wind direction measurements. JOIN THE NETATMO COMMUNITYShare your weather data with your friends and family and check the Weathermap to compare your data with the Netatmo Weather communitys data. With the worlds largest community of personal weather stations, the Netatmo Weathermap provides the outdoor temperature, rain and wind data of each members of the community. .


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