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ULTRA PRECISE MEASUREMENTS The Rain Gauge provides real-time readings of the amount of rainfall in millimeters per hour and records total precipitation over time. Easily access your rain data history and graphs to understand weather trends and know what happened when you were not watching.

Analyse your data history to water your plants precisely when they need it.BE NOTIFIED ABOUT YOUR PRECIPITATION DATA  Place your Rain Gauge on your lawn or garden to receive real-time alerts when it starts raining.EASY INSTALLATIONThe Rain Gauge can be placed up to 100 m (330 ft) away from your Netatmo Personal Weather Station, ideally 1.2 m (4 ft) away from any surface. It is made of high-quality plastic and resists to UV, hail and strong winds.GOOD TO KNOWConnect up to 1 Rain Gauge to your Netatmo Personal Weather Station.The Netatmo Rain Gauge is sold individually and only works with the Netatmo Personal Weather Station sold separately. .


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